Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Net Neutrality

The most important issue we have with publishing information of any kind on the Internet is that there is no way of censoring it. Net neutrality, in Canada protects the rights for all Internet users to have the control to surf Internet content they wish to see. It promotes free expression in what content or information the users wish to publicize on the Internet. Websites like disputes the idea of charging certain IP accounts more than others to access websites, it also supports the idea of presenting the public with more valid content. 

Writers who have ideas based on concrete and valid content are the kind of writers that net neutrality supports. It supports the interests of the public, focuses on the well being of the public without restricting what they can access on the Internet. Instead net neutrality promotes the idea that there should be a larger amount of valid information versus the countless amounts of 'jargon' that we are presented with today. The private interest, that the Internet is full of is what the government is trying to protect. Users who abuse the right to having control over what information they release and what information they do not. 

It has become a growing problem in Canada and in the United States. The government wishes to protect its people from online predators etc. Websites like are asking the government to define the rules in which they would like to place on the internet.

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